Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stake Conference - General Session

"That ye may be prepared in all things... Organize yourselves; prepare every needful think; and establish a house, even a house of... God" D&C 88 80, 119

Quick points made by the speakers:

1) Second Counselor of the Stake Presidency
* Disconnect from cell phones and internet
* Prepare for your callings
* Pray for your callings

2) V.L. Skie
* Sharing the gospel is not the same as flapping your lips
* Be an example

3) Stake Patriarch
* Need to be spiritually prepared to preform our callings
* Make yourself available to hear the Holy Ghost
** a lot of times the Holy Ghost speaks to us at night or in the early morning because that is when we are still
* Be obedient in the small things

4) E. Osorio
* Found the church through an LDS ad online

5) C.I. Howell
* Children are their parents' best friends

6) M.D. Howell
* Lift your friends up
* Stand up for your beliefs
* Prepare for a mission

7) President C.G. Wilberg
* Sword of the Spirit
* Alma: The Army of Helaman found "Strength in activity,... were men of truth, and true at all times and in all things."
* We covenented to the whole package when we were baptized
** Whole = complete, whole, or unified
* The atonement makes us whole
* Like electric cables charging a car, "we can't just be close to the gospel - We have to be plugged in."
* How do you stock your storehouse?
* When you visit the sick, or help the hungry you are drawing upon your own storehouse
** Plug in your storehouse!
** Use the power of your testimony!
* the very drawing upon a spiritual storehouse builds up and "stores" your storehouse. It drawing upon your storehouse will only energize your storehouse.
* To deplete you storehouse: Sin, apathy, neglect, disobedience, and not acting on promptings by the Holy Ghost.
* Gospel Sharing Homes:
** Invite someone to your home, OR
** Invite someone to an activity, OR
** Invite someone to a fireside.
*** Let them be touched by good
*** Your invitation can be to less actives
* This gospel will not fail
* We do not need to apologize for being members.

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